Yunnan-Bangladesh cooperation promises great potential

Editor:王静   2015-06-09 17:57:09

On May 26, with the 3rd China-South Asia Expo around the corner, Ms. Shahnaz Gazi, Consul General of Bangladesh in Kunming, accepted an interview of our reporters on the present situation of Bangladesh’s cooperation with Yunnan and Bangladesh’s participation in this year’s Expo. Ms. Shahnaz Gazi believes that constant improvement of Yunnan-Bangladesh cooperation promises greater opportunities.

According to Ms. Shahnaz Gazi, since two years ago when Bangladesh set up Consulate General in Kunming, the first of its kind among South Asian countries, the Yunnan-Bangladesh cooperation has been enhanced on all aspects. Bangladesh has realised that, in the context of the “One Belt and One Road” initiative, Yunnan is an important gateway for China’s opening up to South and Southeast Asia, and Bangladesh is also an important gateway for the all-round cooperation between China and South Asia, so the enhancing cooperation between the two sides will certainly deepen that between China and South Asian countries.

Ms. Shahnaz Gazi said, Bangladesh has participated in the past two sessions of China-South Asia Expo, and this year, Bangladesh has set up a special working organ in charge of its participation in the 3rd Expo. So far, Bangladesh has booked 26 booths and has reserved 10 additional booths for Bangladeshi business people that have been doing business in China. These exhibitors will showcase Bangladeshi food, handicrafts, jewellery, silk and other specialty products.

Ms. Shahnaz Gazi believes that Yunnan-Bangladesh cooperation promises great potential. First, in terms of tourism, both Bangladesh and Yunnan are rich in tourism resources, and the Kunming-Dhaka air route that was opened 10 years ago, the Kunming-Chittagong sister city relationship and the recently simplified visa process have made it possible for both sides to increase the number of tourists and develop in-depth and business travel. Second, in terms of education, as in other countries, the Chinese learning is also on the rise in Bangladesh, and both sides can seek to increase exchange of students and enhance educational cooperation. In addition, the construction of BCIM Economic Corridor is also an important task; Bangladesh hopes to access China by land as soon as possible, and the countries along the way will also develop in an atmosphere of cooperation and win-win.

Having learnt that Yunnan Daily Press Group and other media in Yunnan have sent reporters to Bangladesh for interviews and have sent back a large number of first-hand reports, Ms. Shahnaz Gazi praised the foresight and remarkable achievements of Yunnan media. She believes that this is a very important step taken by Yunnan Province, and the cooperation between the media of the two sides will play an invaluable role in the regional development. (Li Hongfeng)