Yunnan adopts new Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card

Editor:王世学   2017-06-02 18:37:24

A sample of the 2017 new version of Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card

The Bureau of Exit and Entry Administration of Yunnan Provincial Department of Public Security has recently started service of providing the 2017 new version of Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card, under the guidance of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security. 

From June 1 to December 31, those who hold the existing Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card can go to local public security organs to apply for the new ID card, which can be issued within 20 days.

The Chinese Ministry of Public Security will begin to issue the 2017 new card from June 16 on, and the service of the existing ID card will be suspended at the same time. 

Similar to the current ID card for Chinese nationals, the new card for foreigners will be imbedded with an integrated circuit chip, which can be identified by Chinese ID card readers.

The number of the new card, as well as its application fee, place and procedure, will follow the old ones.

In spite of introduction of the new version, the existing Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card will remain valid.

"This document serves as an identity card for the rightful holder residing in China and can be used independently of lawful proof of identity for matters relating to finance, education, health care, travel, accommodation, communication, employment, tax, social security, property registration, lawsuits and others.” These are words printed on the front side of new ID card.

Chinese reporting by Xiong Qiang; Trans-editing by Eric Wang