Spring city dresses up for intl expo

Editor:王世学   2017-06-12 09:38:07

In preparation for the upcoming South-Southeast Asia Commodity Expo (SSACEIF), the streets of Kunming have been decorating with an array of colorful flowers.

Some 5,000 flower pots of red sage and 8,000 pots of maidenhair currently line Yunxiu Road, joined by 233 types of Chinese roses on Huanhu East Road.

A 45,000-square meter field of shrubs and bushes in the city center has also been revamped and given a new lease of life.

A total of 730 trees have been planted along Guangfu Road. An extra 512 trees, 297 shrubs and 1,460 square meters of lawn will be planted beside the roads of Huanhu East, Erji, Changhong, Fubao and Yunxiu and the Guangnan Avenue.

Taking the commodity expo as an ideal opportunity, the city government plans to add 330.25 hectares of green spaces next year and upgrade the environment on 39 roads as well as in Minshan Park, striving to develop the city into a "world capital of flowers".

The SSACEIF takes place at the city's Dianchi International Exhibition Center from June 12 to 18.

Editor: Eric Wang