12th China-South Asia Business Forum officially opens

Editor:王世学   2017-06-13 00:09:07

The opening ceremony of the 12th China-South Asia Business Forum (CSABF) was held in Kunming, Yunnan Province on June 12, in the wake of the opening of the 2017 SSACIF on the morning of the same day.

The opening

Under the theme of “challenging opportunities, job creation and investment innovation”, the 12th CSABF opening attracted senior officials and leaders of business organization from China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Bhutan, as well as dignitaries with the UN and SAARC. 

A total of 14 personages delivered speeches at opening, and among them are Yunnan executive vice governor Zong Guoying, China Council of the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) vice chairman Lu Pengqi and president of SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry Suraj Vaidya. 

Zong delivers a speech at the opening.

Welcoming the participating guests from afar, Zong Guoying lauded the CSABF as an influential platform for China and South Asian countries to communicate and cooperate, with fruitful results achieved in the past years.

Zong said Yunnan, where the BCIM Economic Corridor and the China-Indochina Economic Corridor overlap, enjoys geographical convenience in cooperating with the neighboring countries. 

Zong believed that based on the results achieved at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and the sound mechanism of the CSABF shaped in its 11 previous sessions, the 12 forum will be a bigger success.

Lu speaks at the forum.

Lu Pengqi said the CCPIT is willing to further cooperate with business federations and commercial chambers in South Asian countries, so as to promote trade and investing activities in the region. 

Lu added the CCPIT will encourage Chinese businesses to invest in South Asia and import more South Asian products, in a bid to achieve a balanced trade. 

Suraj speaks at the opening.

Suraj Vaidya said China is already the largest investor in Afghanistan and some other South Asian countries, adding that creation of quality jobs and investment innovation is needed in the region 

Suraj also played a video to tell the audience about the investment opportunities in South Asia, while showcasing diverse and beautiful landscapes in the region.

Representatives from other South Asian countries also briefed their own strengths and advantages in conducting business and attracting investment.

The forum venue 

Saquib Fayyaz, vice president of the Federatiob of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, presided over the opening. 

Pakistan is the honored country at the 2017 SSACEIF.

Reporting and trans-editing by Eric Wang