Intl cooperation supports Yunnan development

Editor:王世学   2017-06-15 09:31:19

The 2017 South and Southeast Asia Technology Transfer Matchmaking Conference (SSATTMC) was held in Kunming, Yunnan province on June 13, as the 2017 South-Southeast Asia Commodity Expo and Investment Fair got underway in the city from June 12 to 18.

A signing ceremony is held at the 2017 SSATTMC on June 13. [Photo/Yunnan Daily]

Themed on "serving Belt and Road, focusing on technology transfer", the conference was hosted by the China-South Asia Technology Transfer Center.

A total of six cooperation agreements were signed at the conference, including Yunnan-based TaiBiao Solar Energy Equipment Co and Yunnan Renewable Energy Co. They will cooperate with their counterparts in Thailand and India on the technologies of smart city, solar energy and electric bikes.

"The cooperation also helps us to expand the market and develop our brand," said Cui Chunhua, general manager of Taibiao. He also disclosed that the company will set up a subsidiary in India, carrying out product assembly and technological guidance before establishing a factory.

Targeted to accelerate the construction of the China-South Asia Technology Transfer Center and China-ASEAN Innovation Center and further cooperation and technology transfer between China and South and Southeast Asia, the conference also arranged an exhibition on products from South and Southeast Asia and a visit to science and technology parks across Yunnan.

Editor: Eric Wang