Kunming promotes tech innovation

Editor:王世学   2017-06-19 18:21:09

An alliance was established to promote technological innovation in agriculture for South and Southeast Asia in Kunming, Yunnan province, on June 12.

The news came from the South & Southeast Asia Technology Innovation Seminar held the same day, which is also part of the 2017 South & Southeast Asia Community Expo and Investment Fair (SSACEIF) taking place from June 12 to 18.

At the seminar, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation.

Zhang Zulin, vice-governor of Yunnan province, attended the seminar and unveiled the plaque for the South & Southeast Asia Agricultural Science and Technology Joint Research Center which was approved by Yunnan provincial government and established in Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

“Yunnan shares the same climate and environment as many South and Southeast Asian countries and they need to cooperate to improve the development models of agriculture through technological innovation to achieve sustainable development,” said Zhang.

During the SSACEIF, other forums will be held including on planting technology used for mangos and on promoting international cooperation regarding agricultural technological innovation.

Zhang Zulin, vice-governor of Yunnan province, unveils the plaque for South & Southeast Asia Agricultural Science and Technology Joint Research Center in Kunming, on June 12. [Photo/kunming.cn] 

Editor: Eric Wang