Yunnan eyes closer connectivity with Thailand

Editor:王世学   2017-06-27 16:48:21

Yunnan expects closer and more pragmatic cooperation with Thailand in transport, logistics, tourism, and economic corridor build-up in eastern Thailand, said Chen Shun, vice governor of Yunnan Provincial People’s Government.

Chen Shun said this at a meeting with visiting Thai deputy minister of transport Pichit Akrathit in Kunming on June 26.

Chen hoped to achieve the cooperation by focusing on buildup of the China-Laos-Thailand railway and Lancang-Mekong shipping lane, as well as by opening of new air routes.

Chen added that Yunnan attaches importance to friendly ties with Thailand, a key country on the Indochina peninsula.

Yunnan and Thailand can jointly tap cooperative potential in the China-Indochina economic corridor.

Pichit Akrathit said that Thailand is willing to work with Yunnan Province and other countries in Mekong basin, so as to fulfill more infrastructure connectivity and closer cooperation in various fields.

Royal Thai Ambassador to Laos PDR (นายพิษณุ จันทร์วิทัน) and Thai Consul General in Kunming Pornpop Uampidhaya also attended the meeting.

Chinese reporting by Zuo Chao; Trans-editing by Eric Wang