Large number of Neolithic remains unearthed in NW Yunnan

Editor:王世学   2017-07-18 11:41:08

Yunnan archaeologists recently unearthed a large number of Neolithic remains at the Haimenkou site in Jianchuan County in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture. The finds included awls, arrowheads, knives, axes and many pieces of pottery. The discoveries will further enrich the understanding of the prehistoric history in western Yunnan.

The Haimenkou site, located west of the Haiwei River in Jianchuan County, covers an area of about 100,000 square metres. The finds span the late Neolithic Age and Bronze Age. They are also the single largest early waterfront wooden “ganlan style” settlement ever to have been discovered in China.

During their excavations, archaeologists discovered 123 ash pits, 24 ash ditches, five house sites and two burial chambers. They also unearthed more than 800 small cultural relics, which mainly consist of grinding awls, arrowheads, and what is termed‘sand and grit’ pottery.

Three previous excavations at Haimenkou uncovered relics mainly from the Bronze Age and subsequent periods. This most recent excavation shows that Neolithic artifacts also abound in this area. The unearthed pottery are quite similar to the Neolithic remains in other areas of Dali Prefecture, so are thought to belong to similar periods. (Xu Wanhu, Xinhua News Agency)

(Xu Wanhu, Xinhua News Agency)

Editor: Eric Wang