13 wild Asian elephants intrude on farmland in Yunnan

Editor:王世学   2017-07-21 09:33:33

Wild Asian elephants intruded on farmland and damaged crops.

Thirteen wild Asian elephants intruded on farmland and damaged crops in Ninger County, Southwest China’s Yunnan Province, July 19, 2017. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Wei)[page]

Two wild Asian elephants roam on a mountain in Ninger County. 

Farmers check corn damaged by wild Asian elephants in Ninger County, Southwest China’s Yunnan Province, July 19, 2017. Thirteen wild Asian elephants intruded on farmland and damaged crops in the county before local policed armed with guns arrived. A farmer said the elephants ate corn on his 0.13 hectares of land. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Wei)

Editor: Eric Wang