Athletes return to Myanmar after 90-day training in China

Editor:王世学   2017-08-01 11:42:10

264 athletes with 15 Myanmar national teams began returning to their homeland in batches on July 29, having finished a three-month training in Chinese cities of Kunming and Changsha.

The farewell party in Kunming 

At the request from the Myanmar side, the training aims to help Myanmar players fulfill better performance at the coming 29th Southeast Asian Games, which will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from  19 to 30 August 2017.

Meanwhile China also assigned nine coaches to Myanmar for a 20-day training program.

“During the 90-day training in China, our volleyball players have improved obviously in teamwork, smashing and defense techniques,” said Ye Ye Lwin, head of Myanmar natioanl volleyball team.

Kunming received 140 plus Myanmar athletes with six events, including woman volleyball, fencing, track and field, road bikes, BMX (bicycle motocross) and man basketball. 

And they were trained at the Haigeng and Chenggong sports bases, as well as the Yunnan Physical Science and Sports Professional College.

China helped Myanmar players twice in the years of 2013 and 2017, and this year’s training marks the third time that China aids Myanmar in the Asean sports event.

Chinese reporting by Lou Ying; trans-editing by Eric Wang