Yunnan tin: Barometer of the tin industry worldwide

Editor:王世学   2017-08-02 16:02:24

With production accounting for 80% of China’s total output and a third of the world’s output, Yunnan tin makes the mainstay of China’s tin industry and a barometer of the world’s. Each action and move of Yunnan Tin Group (Holdings) Company Limited (Yunnan Tin) has attracted the attention of the global tin market.

Reports indicate that, after 130 years of development, Yunnan Tin has become one of the largest state-owned non-ferrous metal joint ventures globally, leading in non-ferrous tin, precious metals, research and design, machine manufacture, civil explosives, water supply and property management services.

Since 2013, Yunnan Tin has been affected by the economic downturn, weak market demand and other adverse factors, posting consecutive losses. At present, the company is actively seeking to upgrade, and is striving to achieve profitability goals.

“We are aiming for high-end, high technology and high added value products to be at the forefront of the world, accelerating the cultivation of technology and products with core competitiveness, to make non-ferrous metal processing of tin industry into a large industry,” said Song Xingcheng, vice-general manager of Yunnan Tin Company Limited.

Over the years, Yunnan Tin has set up marketing agencies in the United States, Europe, Singapore and China’s Hong Kong. More than 600 types of products have been exported to 56 countries and regions. Now it holds strong product availability and market development capabilities. Next, the company will fully integrate overseas trade, marketing and resources and continuously improve its capacity and level of international operations. 

Editor: Eric Wang