Belt and Road youth activities held in Yunnan

Editor:王世学   2017-08-03 17:07:05

From July 19 to 22, the Belt and Road Yunnan Economic Trade Exchanges for China-ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs was held in Kunming and Yuxi. A total of 51 young entrepreneurs from ASEAN member-states, and 54 Chinese counterparts exchanged their views and sought cooperative opportunities.

Li Xiuling, deputy secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, attended the event’s opening ceremony. In the context of the Belt and Road initiative, and the building of the China-ASEAN community of common destiny, Yunnan is actively promoting policy consultations, trade promotions, infrastructure connectivity, financial cooperation and people-to-people exchanges with ASEAN countries in an effort to make positive contributions to the China-ASEAN relationship, Li Xiuling said.

A Philippine entrepreneur said he felt Kunming’s cool summer weather as soon as he got off the plane. “It’s a beautiful place, a charming place and an ideal destination for ASEAN young entrepreneurs to come and invest in China. ” (Yin Chaoping)

Editor: Eric Wang