Yunnan to invite in 7,000 overseas talents by 2020

Editor:王世学   2017-09-04 11:16:21

Yunnan plans to double its overseas talents number of 3,500 in 2015, introducing a total of 7,000 talents by 2020.

During the 12th five-year period, the province employed 4,975 foreign experts from the United States, Germany, Japan, Australia, Singapore and others. 60% of them hold a doctorate degree.

The Yunnan provincial government has set up a special "Yunnan Provincial Foreign Experts Caiyun Award" and has so far awarded the prize to 150 experts.

The Yunling Talent Plan aims to bring Yunnan another 100 top foreign experts in five years.

In 2016, Yunnan held the Yunnan International Talent Exchange event, attracting 460 overseas experts from over 40 countries and regions.

Around 140 talent-introducing programs settled in Yunnan via the exchange, together with 160 overseas high-end talents. 

Yunnan also signed cooperation MoUs with 25 foreign agencies in an effort to invite in talents in bio-medicine, finance, agriculture and information technology.

Editor: Eric Wang