Yunnan issues first new green card to expat

Editor:王世学   2017-09-07 16:58:07

The Exit and Entry Administration of Kunming Public Security Bureau in Yunnan Province has issued its first new permernant resident ID card for foreigners on the morning of Sept 7.

Adopted since June 1 under the guidance of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security, the new version in Yunnan was first granted to Ji Huaxia, a Canadian expert who has worked in Kunming for 10 years under China’s Thousand Talents Program.

Another 35 expats who hold the old version have applied for the Chinese new green card at the Kunming bureau in two batches. 

Similar to the current ID card for Chinese nationals, the new card can be identified by Chinese ID card readers, bringing more convenience to expats in China. 

A sample card 

"This document serves as an identity card for the rightful holder residing in China and can be used independently of lawful proof of identity for matters relating to finance, education, health care, travel, accommodation, communication, employment, tax, social security, property registration, lawsuits and others.” 

These are words on the front side of the new card.

Chinese Source: Spring City Evening News; Trans-editing by Eric Wang