Yunnan delegates to CPC national congress discuss Xi’s report

Editor:王世学   2017-10-20 10:41:31

From October 18 on, the Yunnan Province delegation to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has held plenary meetings in Bejing to discuss Xi Jinping’s report delivered to the congress opening.

The delegation head Chen Hao, who is also Secretary of the CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee, chaired the meeting and spoke first. "Having summed up the achievements and experiences in the past five years, the report is the guiding theory to the Party and the nation in the coming five years.” 

Under the guidance of the report, Yunnan will strive to build a Moderately Prosperous Society in an all-round manner, and become a Model Area in Ethnic Unity, a Pioneer of Ecological Conservation, and China's Pivot of Opening-up to South and Southeast Asia, said Chen Hao.

Yunnan Governor Ruan Chengfa said the delegates must conscientiously study and understand the spirit of the report, and resolve "the contradiction between the unbalanced and inadequate development and Yunnan people's ever-growing needs for a better life". Yunnan has been trying to fulfill a leap-frog development in the past years. 

Other delegates, including Li Xiuling, Luo Zhengfu,Tong Zhiyun, Yang Haodong, Zhou Rong and Gao Derong, also contributed their views on the report. All agreed to fully study the report and carry out the guiding points in their future work. 

Source: Yunnan Daily App; Trans-editing by Eric Wang