Gordon: Xi's vision for the Party, nation encouraging

Editor:李沁颖   2017-10-22 14:13:36

“I find Xi Jinping's vision for the Party and the nation to be quite encouraging at the turning point of China's domestic and international affairs,” said Wyatt Gordon, an American English teacher with the International Institute of Education in Kunming.

Gordon said this on October 18 after reading some Xinhua and China Daily reports on the on-going 19th CPC National Congress opening.

He said Xi’s continuing commitment to anticorruption measures within the party and the government will be critical to maintaining stability and for demonstrating China's commitment to the rule of law.

Noting the CPC has lifted around half a billion people out of impoverished conditions, Gordon said if China follows its current policies, it will become a modern socialist society by 2035.

Gordon believes that Xi's report is consistent with China's new position as the primary driving force of globalization.

“China is focused on not only raising the quality of life of Chinese people, but also on spreading the benefits of a globalized society by the Belt and Road Initiative,” said Gordon.

Reaffirming China's refusal to pursue global hegemony and regional expansionism, this congress represents an opportunity for the CPC to double down on its commitments to Chinese people and to the world. Gordon observed.

By Eric Wang