Belt and Road media tour launched in Sri-Lanka

Editor:王世学   2017-12-05 16:53:43

The Belt and Road media tour was launched in Sri-Lanka on December 4.

In the following five days, journalists with China Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, Yunnan Daily, Yunnan Radio and Television, Yunnan Net and the Mekong Magazine will visit the Sri-Lankan tourism and tea sectors, the Chinese Embassy in Sri-Lanka, and the Chinese-funded enterprises in the country.

Most of the reporters came to Sri-Lanka for the first time, but they felt sort of familiar with the country because many Sri-Lankan commodities and cultural elements have appeared at the China-South Asia Expo in Kunming several times.

Jointly organized by the Information Office of the People's Government of Yunnan Province and Yunnan Daily Press Group, the interview tour aims to report Sri-Lankan participation in building the Belt and Road, while promoting exchanges and cooperation between Sri-Lanka and China(Yunnan). 

“The expressway before us is a cooperative project under the Belt and Road Initiative, and in the past years the China initiative has benefited people in many countries.” An official with the Yunnan information office said, adding that the media tour is to discover the changes and tell the stories behind. 

A local resident said more than 90 percent of Sri-Lankans are well-educated, which surprised some of the Chinese reporters. 

Reporting by Chu Donghua, Zu Hongbing and Wang Weiyun; translating by Eric Wang