Myanmar U Kyaw Tin: LMC to enter a stage of growth

Editor:王世学   2017-12-15 13:28:57

"I hope that via making the Five Year Plan of Action 2018-2022 of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation(LMC), the mechanism could enter a stage of fast growth," said U Kyaw Tin, Union Minister for International Cooperation of Myanmar .

Photo by Huang Zhechun

U Kyaw Tin, who is participating the on-going 3rd Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Dali, southwestern China's Yunnan province, said this at an interview with Yunnan reporters this morning.

U Kyaw Tin said that the past two years have seen a series of pragmatic progress in Lancang-Mekong Cooperation, with 45 early projects progressing fast. 

U Kyaw Tin believes that Yunnan can play a key role in the cooperation. "Yunnan enjoys a favorable location, and it shares the river and opportunities for development with all the Mekong countries."

He said varied Myanmar products are exported to Yunnan every year, adding Yunnan can serve as a gateway for the cooperation between China and other Mekong countries.

Noting the cooperation aims to reduce the development gap, U Kyaw Tin said Yunnan is developing fast and has huge potential for development. Through joint efforts, the LMC will benefit more people in the region.

U Kyaw Tin said Myanmar is pushing for the peace process, which he believes will boost Myanmar-Yunnan cooperation and bring stability and growth in the border areas.

Yunnan and Myanmar share a border of around 2,000 kilometers.

Reporting by Zhang Ruogu & Han Chengyuan; translating by Eric Wang