E-commerce brings convenience and efficiency to remote villages

Editor:王世学   2018-02-08 18:27:32

With internet infrastructure improved, the E-commerce service becomes accessible in remote villages like Jing’anshao which is only reachable by a seven-kilometer-long road with 68 turns winding up the mountain.

When the items bought online were sent into the hands of local buyers in Jing’anshao, a remote village located in central Yunnan’s Yiliang County, they really felt the convenience and efficiency of E-commerce. 

Dong Jiagui is a courier from the Chinese E-commerce giant Jingdong Group and he is responsible for goods delivery in Jing’anshao Village. According to Dong, the first time when he drove to Jing’anshao through the miraculous road with 68 turns, he felt extremely dizzy. 

He said it was a real challenge to drive on this road at the beginning, but now he has already got used to it. Usually, it takes Dong nearly half an hour to deliver goods to the village. But Dong is satisfied and happy when the villagers receive their online-bought products.  

Editor: Wang Shixue