Yunnan deputy, member show local specialties at "passage interview"

Editor:王世学   2018-03-12 18:20:54

Guo Dajin, a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) from Yunnan Province, received an interview before the third plenary meeting of the first session of the 13th NPC in Beijing, capital of China, March 11.

During the interview on a passage to the congress venue, Guo, who is also mayor of northeast Yunnan’s Zhaotong City, showed reporters a quality apple when it came to local poverty alleviation, saying that apple growing has brought up the income of 300,000 poor villagers in Zhaotong. 

Guo added Zhaotong has an apple-planting history of 80 years. Now the planting area is around 26,666 hectares, and the output value reaches 3 billion yuan. “There are 10 national-level poverty-stricken counties in Zhaotong, and in the coming three years around 900,000 will be lifted out of poverty,” Guo said.

Also special at passage interview was Rongba Shenna, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) from northwest Yunnan's Nujiang Prefecture.

Being a versatile Pumi artist, Rongba sang a musical piece in the Pumi language, and her refreshing voice brought the reporters a brand-new audio experience. The interview passage was enlivened by live music for the first time. 

Rongba has been calling on the public to inherit and protect the tradition of ethnic minorities. This year, she proposed to protect the ethnic-minority tradition by collecting their classic works, adding the Pumi people has a small population of 40,000 nationwide.

Source: Xinhua,; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue