China unveils drastic cabinet restructuring plan

Editor:王世学   2018-03-13 19:00:36

The State Council, China's cabinet, will see a drastic reform to make the government better-structured, more efficient, and service-oriented, according to a draft submitted to the first session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) for deliberations on Tuesday.

If the plan is passed on Saturday, the State Council will consist of 26 ministries and commissions in addition to the General Office of the State Council.

Among the new entities are a ministry of natural resources, a ministry of veterans affairs, and a ministry of emergency management.

There will be also new administrations under the State Council, such as an international development cooperation agency, and a state immigration administration.

"It focuses on the needs of development and meets the people's expectations," State Councilor Wang Yong said, adding that the restructuring forms part of a broader plan by the Communist Party of China (CPC) to deepen the reform of the Party and state institutions.

Briefing the lawmakers on the plan, Wang stressed that the cabinet restructuring deals with institutional obstacles to help the market play a decisive role in resource allocation. The reshuffle will also help China build a modern economy with high quality growth, he noted.

Chinese State Councilor Wang Yong delivers an institutional restructuring plan of the State Council at the fourth plenary meeting of the first session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, March 13, 2018. /Xinhua Photo

Ministry of Natural Resources

China will set up a new ministry to protect and manage the country's natural resources, according to the plan.

Responsibilities of the new ministry will include overseeing the development and protection of China's natural resources, setting up and implementing a spatial planning system, and establishing a system for paid use of natural resources.

The Ministry of Land and Resources and the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation will be dismantled.

Ministry of Ecological Environment

The country will establish a ministry of ecological environment to enhance environmental protection.

The new ministry will be responsible for the compiling and implementation of China's ecological environment policies, plans and standards, as well as ecological environment monitoring and law enforcement.

It will also regulate pollution control, nuclear radiation safety, and organize inspections of central authorities on environmental protection.

The current Ministry of Environmental Protection will be dismantled.

The fourth plenary meeting of the first session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) is held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, March 13, 2018. /Xinhua Photo

Ministry of Emergency Management

China will set up a ministry of emergency management to forestall and defuse serious and major risks and improve disaster relief.

The ministry will be responsible for compiling and implementing emergency management plans, as well as organizing rescue and relief for disasters and workplace accidents.

It will also be in charge of work safety and the prevention and control of fire, flood, drought and geographical disasters.

Ministry of Supervision to be merged into new supervisory commission

The Ministry of Supervision will be merged into the National Supervisory Commission, the country's supreme supervisory organ.

The National Bureau of Corruption Prevention will also be merged.

The changes are due to the constitutional amendment adopted on Sunday.

State Immigration Administration

China plans to set up a state immigration administration under the Ministry of Public Security.

With the improvement of composite national strength, the number of foreigners working and living in China has been on the rise, raising new requirements on immigration administration and services, the document reads.

July 17, 2017: Mark Levine, a US citizen, presents his foreigner's permanent residence identity card, a new version of Chinese "green card" in Beijing. /Xinhua Photo

The proposed administration will be responsible for coordinating and formulating immigration policies and their implementation, border control, managing foreigners' stay. It will also take the lead in coordinating measures to deal with foreigners who illegally enter, stay or work in China, and the repatriation of illegal immigrants.

The administration will also provide exit and entry services for Chinese nationals on private affairs and engage in international cooperation in the field of immigration, among others.

International Development Cooperation Agency

China also plans to set up an international development cooperation agency.

The move is to give full play to foreign aid as a key means of major-country diplomacy, enhance strategic planning and coordination of foreign aid, and better serve the country's overall diplomatic layout and the Belt and Road Initiative.

The new agency will be responsible for making strategic guidelines, plans and policies on foreign aid; coordinating and making suggestions on major issues related to it; pushing forward reform of the means of aid-giving; making foreign aid plans and overseeing and evaluating their implementation.

Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission

In addition, China will set up a banking and insurance regulatory commission.

The commission is mainly responsible for supervising the banking and insurance industries, preventing and dissolving financial risks and protecting consumers' rights.

The China Banking Regulatory Commission and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission will be dismantled.

China's central bank – the People's Bank of China. /Xinhua Photo

State Radio and Television Administration

A state radio and television administration will be formed, according to the plan.

The proposed administration directly under the State Council will be responsible for drafting policies and measures for radio and television management and their implementation, coordinating development of broadcasting, promoting institutional reform in the sectors, importing radio and television programs, and facilitating the sectors to go global.

The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television will be eliminated.

(With inputs from Xinhua); Editor: Wang Shixue