Airport digital library gives momentum to “reading everywhere”

Editor:王世学   2018-04-24 18:00:16

April 23 marks the 23rd World Book Day. To bring special experience to passengers at Kunming Changshui International Airport, Kunming Guandu Library “moves” a digital bookshelf to international departure terminal in the airport.

Scan the QR code on the screens of the book reading machines by smart phones, passengers can have access to more than 3,000 digital books and 1,000 journals, which cover a wide range of themes including world-famous masterpiece, natural science, geography, philosophy and culture. Each month, around 150 books will be updated in order to meet the readers’ favors.

The move is giving momentum to the trend of reading everywhere. Mr. Zhang, a frequent flyer said that the digital library in the airport really helps passengers to make full use of the waiting time.

Editor: Wang Shixue