Lincang: Macadamia growing increases farmers’ income

Editor:王世学   2018-06-25 18:09:10

Wang Pusheng, a villager in the impoverished Daxueshan Township, southwest Yunnan’s Lincang City, could never have imagined that growing macadamia nuts had become a means to lift his family out of poverty.

Due to the illness of his aged mother and the schooling of young children, Wang had been struggling for years in poverty, and his household was listed in the targeted poverty alleviation plan by local government years ago. 

The county-level poverty alleviation authorities provided Wang Pusheng with free macadamia seedlings and sent special personnel to train him in cultivation techniques. Years later, around three hectares of Macadamia trees grown by Wang Pusheng began to bear fruits, bringing the family an income of more than 20,000 yuan in 2016.

Lincang City started to grow macadamias in the 1980s and is now one of the world's largest producers. In 2017, the macadamia output value in Lincang reached 600 million yuan, lifting a total of 150,000 local villagers out of poverty. 

Source:; Photos provided to Yunnan Gateway

Trans-editing by Wang Shixue