Honghe County: Sweet mangoes become main moneymaker

Editor:王世学   2018-07-12 18:18:01

In recent years, Honghe County in Yunnan Province has developed a total of 11,747 hectares of plantation bases for tropical fruits. Among them, mangoes are a main moneymaker for local farmers.

Dry river valleys endow many places in Honghe with hot weather, fertile lands, and plenty rainfalls, which are favorable for planting mangoes. Relying on these pleasant natural conditions, local residents have accumulated rich experience in planting the fruit.

In addition, as its agricultural infrastructure is improved largely in recent years, Honghe has actively built high-yield and quality standard demonstration areas and pollution-free technology demonstration areas for planting mangoes. It also gives full play to the advantageous geographical resources by promoting the production of varieties of mangoes according to the seasonal, climatic and geographical features.

In 2017, 1,333 hectares of mango trees bore fruits in the county, with a total output of 22,500 tons, and an output value of 90 million yuan. 

On July 5, Honghe County was invited to a promotion activity held by the Swiss Embassy in China. Mangoes on the show were so popular that many visitors ordered through WeChat on the spot. (Guan Xiruyi)