Interview: Yunnan could be most beautiful province

Editor:王世学   2018-07-24 12:27:46

“I do think that Yunnan could easily become the most beautiful province in China,” said Wyatt Gordon, an American teacher in Kunming.

Gordon said July 22 at on online interview, adding the most important features of Yunnan lie in its varied environment, the lovely weather, and the opportunities for sustainable tourism and travel. 

“In Shaxi Ancient Town and Heijing Ancient Town, beautiful landscapes are blended with thriving tourist industries, while also maintaining livable towns for the local minority peoples.” Gordon also praised the ecological beauty of the old towns in the province.

Gordon believed the two old towns are strong models for eco-friendly tourism development, adding Yunnan has many good examples of sustainable tourism amongst its landscapes. 

“I have loved traveling to the many different regions of Yunnan, from the snow mountains in the north to the tropical climate in the south, from the karst landscapes in the center to the wide plains and valleys throughout the province.” 

The American noted the Yunnan weather is nearly unbeatable because of the mild, pleasant climate in most of the province.

Gordon has been living in Yunnan in recent years. In May, he joined an international marathon in Dali and admired the beautiful Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake, together with his friends. On weekends, he often walks and exercises in the West Hills forest park in Kunming, enjoying the eco-beauty there. 

By Wang Shixue