11th Chinese Bridge launched in Kunming

Editor:王世学   2018-10-11 17:42:21

The 11th Chinese Bridge --Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary Students—was officially launched at Yunnan Normal University in Kunming this morning.

With the theme of “Learn Chinese, Double Your World”, the cultural event is sponsored by the Confucius Institute Headquarters and Yunnan government, and jointly organized by Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, Yunnan Normal University, and Yunnan Radio and Television Station.

332 students and teachers from 99 countries came to China to participate in the competition this year. The five countries of Cuba, Cook Islands, Panama, Andorra and Iceland first appear in the event.

The “Chinese Bridge” came into being in 2008, and the number of its participating countries has grown from 23 to 99. Since 2012, Yunnan Province has hosted six sessions, and this year's event marks the seventh session.

Reporting Guan Xiruyi; trans-editing by Wang Shixue