E-commerce firms sell Yunnan roses to more cities

Editor:李恒强   2018-10-17 17:38:17

The pictures here show that gardeners were trimming the leaves of roses before wrapping-up on Oct. 9 in the greenhouses built by the Heyun Gardening Gompany in Yuxi City, central Yunnan province.

Heyun Gardening has invested 120 million yuan and built an area of 164.7 acres of greenhouses. Thanks to the development of e-commerce, the company now receives more orders from the first- and second-tier cities in the country, including Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Nanjing. Through the model of “company+flower base+farmers”, Heyun Gardening provides more than 300 jobs for the locals and helps increase their incomes. This year, it is expected that output of the company will reach 50 million yuan.

Photo by Zhang Han and Ma Jiyun

Editor: John Li