Foreign students build friendships on “Chinese Bridge”

Editor:李涛   2018-10-24 15:35:15

    The 11th “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students concluded in Kunming, capital city of southwest China’s Yunnan province on Oct 21. Themed "Learn Chinese, Double Your World" , the competition serves as a bridge to promote cultural exchanges and friendship between China and other countries.


    A total of 332 teachers and students from 99 countries and regions took part in this year’s competition, more than any previous ones. In the 11-day competition, contestants showed their love for Chinese language and culture through Chinese language and culture examinations, oral contests, and talent shows.


    So far, Yunnan has held the “ Chinese Bridge” competition for seven times. During their stay in Kunming, the contestants attended classes together with local students, visited the world-renowned Stone Forest, and learned ethnic singing, dancing and embroidery in Yunnan. Other cultural activities such as a campus music festival are also held, which has deepened the young students’ impression of Yunnan and enhanced their friendship. (Liu Ziyu, some photos provided by Yunnan Normal University)