Large Yunnan tourist group embarks for Laos

Editor:王世学   2018-11-12 12:36:06

Following a launching ceremony, a 118-member Yunnan tourist group embarked for Laos from the Kunming Changshui International Airport on November 10, starting a five-day trip in the neighbor country.

The exchange activity was organized by the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Consulate General of Laos in Kunming. 

On the occasion of the Visit Laos Year 2018, the travelling group aims to promote Yunnan tourist resources and two-way tourism between China and Laos. 

The activity was undertaken by Kunming-based travel services, and the Yunnan tourists will visit the famed Lao destinations of Vientiane, Vang Vieng and Luang Prabang in the coming days.

Mr. Khamphone Vongsanty, the Lao consul-general in Kunming, attended the event and delivered a speech.

Reporting Liu Ziyu; trans-editing by Wang Shixue