YINGOS opens foreign-aid training program in Laos

Editor:王世学   2018-12-10 16:43:41

The opening ceremony of the training cooperation program on highway administration and management for Laos was held in Vientiane on December 10, and 30 officials with the Lao road-administration departments attended the opening, together with representatives of the organizer, the co-organizer, and the Laos-China Cooperation Committee. 

The foreign-aid program is sponsored by Yunnan Provincial People's Government, directed by Yunnan Provincial Department of Commerce, organized by Yunnan International Non-Government Organization Society (YINGOS), and co-organized by Yunnan Provincial Architectural-Technology Vocational School.

This program is the first its kind held in Laos by YINGOS. To help the Lao road administrators in their managerial abilities, promote Yunnan-Laos cooperation and achieve mutual benefit between China and Laos, the YINGOS joined hands with the Yunnan vocational school to formulate the training plans, based on full communication with the Lao side.

Through lectures on theories, on-site practice and visits to construction sites, the program participants are expected to have a sound and deep understanding to the training contents in question. 

By Zhang Ruogu and Wang Shixue