Yunnan NPC deputies review gov't work report

Mar 07,2019   16:42:58

Plenary meeting of the Yunnan delegation

On the afternoon of March 5, the Yunnan delegation to the second session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) held a plenary meeting to deliberate on the annual Government Work Report delivered by Premier Li Keqiang.

Guo Shengkun speaks at the meeting.

Guo Shengkun, head of the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the CPC Central Committee, attended the panel discussion with the deputies from southwest China’s Yunnan province. Chen Hao, Party chief of the province and head of the delegation, chaired the meeting. Deputy heads -- Ruan Chengfa, Zong Guoying, and He Duanqi-- joined in reviewing the report.

Guo shakes hands with Yunnan deputies. 

Guo Shengkun said he fully agrees with the government work report, adding China’s achievement and progress last year is generally attributed to the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. 

Noting the role of Chinese political and legal organs, Guo said innovation in social governance should be accelerated, risks should be forestalled and social stability be maintained, so as to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the PRC with fruitful outcomes. 

Chen Hao speaks at the meeting.

Chen Hao said that by implementing decisions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council creatively and in association with provincial realities, Yunnan maintained sound growth last year, with the quality of development improved and the goals for socio-economic development completed.

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Yunnan will earnestly carry out the policies in the government work report and continue to advance along the road of high-quality and leap-frog development.

Ruan Chengfa speaks at the meeting.

Ruan Chengfa, also Yunnan governor, said the government work report, which proposed measures to ensure growth, promote reform, make structural adjustment, improve people's well-being and forestall risks, will activate the market players.

Noting the three critical battles against pollution, financial risks and poverty, Ruan Chengfa said Yunnan will strengthen its areas of weakness and materialize the key tasks identified in the government work report.

Yang Jun speaks at the meeting.

Cao Qinghua speaks at the meeting.

Zhang Li speaks at the meeting.

Deputies including Yang Jun, Luo Hongjiang, Zheng Yi, Yang Xiaoping, Zhao Yongping, Cao Qinghua, Chen Kehan, Zhang Li and others made successive speeches at the plenary meeting. Their suggestions focus on poverty relief, rural infrastructure, people's livelihood, cross-border economic zones, financial services, and job creation.

Reporting by Tian Jing, Qu Shuning and Lei Tongsu in Beijing; trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Yunnan NPC deputies review gov't work report