Yunnan to enhance food safety in wild mushroom season

Editor:李恒强   2019-05-14 10:28:31

Picking and cooking of wild mushrooms by catering services will be strictly banned during the upcoming peak season of wild fungus consumption in southwest China's Yunnan Province, local authorities said.

According to the provincial food safety commission, local market supervisory bodies will be on the alert for poisonous wild mushrooms of unknown origin before they go on sale.

Inspections will be carried out on main targets that include restaurants, group catering services for tourists, banquets in rural areas and construction site canteens.

The commission also warned the public against reckless picking and purchase of unknown wild mushrooms, and advised them to check with doctors immediately when toxic symptoms occur after consuming.

Rich in wild fungus resources, Yunnan has been strengthening its efforts on food safety. The province reported 20 wild mushroom poisoning cases and 15 deaths after poisoning in 2018, decreasing 31.4 percent and 61.5 percent respectively compared with a year earlier.

Editor: John Li