Yunnan holds dinner parties in America for FGSF

Editor:王世学   2019-05-16 10:49:49

Southwest China’s Yunnan province has held two dinner parties in the American cites of New York and San Francisco on May 7 and May 9 for the upcoming 2019 Fortune Global Sustainability Forum (FGSF).

The 2019 FGSF is scheduled to take place near the beautiful Fuxian Lake in central Yunnan’s Yuxi City from September 4 to 6.

The dinner parties brought in more than 180 executives with the Fortune 500 companies, as well as senior officials and non-governmental representatives.

Alan Murray, president of the Fortune magazine, made a speech, declaring the 2019 FGSF will take place in Yunnan.

A Yunnan promotional video was played, showing beautiful landscapes, diverse ethnic customs and recent socio-economic development in Yunnan. 

In the end, the guests confirmed their visit to Yunnan in September for the 2019 Fortune Global Sustainability Forum.

Reporting by Zhang Ruogu (Yunnan Daily); trans-editing by Wang Shixue