Kunming Airport operates passenger air routes to 34 S and SE Asian cities

Editor:李恒强   2019-06-14 18:54:47
Copyfrom:Yunnan Daily

Kunming Changshui International Airport is now operating passenger air routes to 34 cities in ten ASEAN nations and five South Asian countries. These include national capitals and major tourist cities, ranking first in China.

In 2018, according to statistics, the airport registered 359,487 takeoffs and landings, ranking fourth in China, a passenger throughput of 47,088,140 people, ranking sixth in China and 35th in the world, and a cargo and mail throughput of 428,295 tons, ranking eighth in China.

The airport has been constantly extending its repertoire of air routes. In 2018, it opened 348 air routes, including 270 domestic, 74 international and four regional routes. Also, the airport has opened seven air routes for cargo transport connecting Kunming to Dhaka, Delhi, Mumbai, Hanoi, Madras, Bangalore and Kathmandu. The airport plans to open more air routes to connect Kunming with Seoul, Ho Chi Minh City, Yangon, Karachi, Dubai and other cities in cargo transport.

(Photo from Yunnan Daily)