Expert calls for recognizing the new normal of China-US relationship

Editor:李恒强   2019-09-10 16:17:05

“We are undergoing several epochal shifts at the same time,” said Robert Daly, director of Kissinger Institute on China and the United States at the Wilson Center, at the 3rd Taihe Civilizations Forum which was held in Beijing from Sept. 6 to 8.

The most important epochal shift, according to Daly, is the fantastic success of the rise of China. Speaking of the achievements China has made over the past 70 years, Daly says that in the first 10 years of the PRC, China had tremendous achievements. China has enormous achievements in education, in public health, in economic development, and people’s welfare. “After 1978, I think we are all very aware of the tremendous real strive China has made unprecedented from human history,” he added.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States. “For most of the past 40 years, the bilateral relationship worked out for the interests of both nations. And we made a lot of progress together during this period after 1979. Both countries benefited greatly from the relationship on a number of fronts.” Daly said.

Against the escalation of China-US trade frictions, as he points out, the two countries are confronted with many challenges. “This is probably the most difficult period in the relationships since 1979.” Daly argues that engagement is no longer the keynote of the relationship, and competition is.

Robert Daly, director of Kissinger Institute on China and the United States at the Wilson Center. (Photo provided by Taihe Institute)

Daly believes that the two countries need to enhance mutual trust, and on many grounds can they cooperate, such as global warming, arms control, food safety, medical safety, and safety on consumer products. “There is much we can do to cooperate. We can cooperate to avoid epidemics, human trafficking, and the challenge that come from the emergent on technology.”

According to Daly, the best way to manage differences and achieve common development is to normalize rivalry, recognize this is a long-term competition and define the bottom.

“This is a new normal, which is called ‘新常态’in Chinese,” said Daly.

“Once you do that, and you understand the scope of competition, then you can also find room for cooperation. There are many areas where we have to cooperate.”

As for the expectations for the development of the China-US relationship, Daly conveyed his best wishes for both nations. “I hope both countries have the patience and wisdom and restraint to avoid conflict and a relationship which is destructive to the people of both nations. I think that’s what we need and I think we are capable of that.”

Editor: John Li