Love Knows No Borders: International Charity Sale held in Beijing

Editor:李恒强   2019-10-29 10:27:24

The 11th "Love Knows No Borders" International Charity Sale has been held in Beijing with the theme of "Run to a Better Future". Money raised will be used for the building of school playgrounds in Malipo County and Jinping County in Yunnan Province. Su Yuting tells us more.

A platform for the Chinese people to interact with the world, and a gathering for all those with love and kindness to offer.

Initiated by Qian Wei, wife of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, the 11th "Love Knows No Borders" International Charity Sale has been held in Beijing. Diplomats from more than 80 embassies and representative offices of international organizations attended the opening ceremony."

QIAN WEI Wife of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi "Readiness to give and to help those in need is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation. Over the years, to help people living in poor areas, we have donated the revenues of the international charity sales to social welfare and poverty alleviation programs in Yunnan, Gansu, Henan, Guizhou and Guangxi. Through international charity sales, we have passed on the love coming from you from around the world to villagers, the disabled, and children in the mountainous regions in China."

Over the past ten years, money raised at the charity sale is used to fund children's education, supporting village teachers, sight restoration for cataract patients, renovation of mountain villages and construction of water cellars and bridges. Many say thanks to these efforts, the lives of thousands of vulnerable families have been changed.

LIU YANG Party Secretary of Malipo County "The money raised by this year's charity sale will be donated to the funding of school playgrounds in Malipo County and Jinping County in Yunnan Province. It will greatly help improve the infrastructure, which is important for education in poverty-stricken areas."

Music, dance, handicraft, fine arts, wines and food from different countries are presented as a fine example of cultural interaction that brings participants closer together. Ambassadors say they support the charity sale as people come together to show their love for those who need it most.

LUIS SCHMIDT MONTES Chile's Ambassador to China "It's for charity. Today, the focus is children. The children are the future. You made very huge change, incredible change during the last 40 years, and the rest of the world admires China for this process."

AKRAM ZEYNALLI Azerbaijan's Ambassador to China "This charity Bazaar brings people together, brings culture together, and contributes to peace, to friendship, to cooperation. So that's why we applaud, we applaud this initiative, a very important initiative."

SU YUTING Beijing "Eliminating poverty has been an aspiration of the Chinese people and a commitment made by the Chinese government. The charity sale not only builds a bridge of friendship between China and the international community, but also builds a bridge of hope, leading people in impoverished areas to a better future. Su Yuting, CGTN, Beijing."

Editor: John Li