China-ASEAN forestry research forum opens in Yunnan's Pu'er

Editor:李恒强   2019-10-31 10:02:33

A China-ASEAN forestry research forum opened in the city of Pu'er, southwest China's Yunnan Province on Wednesday.

A total of 22 young scholars from eight countries participated in the academic forum of the China-ASEAN network of forestry research institutes.

The two-day event focuses on topics including tropical forest restoration, tree species selection, genetic improvement and rapid propagation of seedlings.

Peng Youdong, deputy head of China's National Forestry and Grassland Administration, said at the forum that China and ASEAN economies are highly complementary in forest resources and forestry industrial structure.

Peng said the cultivation of young scientific and technological talents is key to the success of China-ASEAN forestry science and technology cooperation.

Editor: John Li