NE Yunnan enters HSR era, amazing sights unveiled

Editor:王世学   2019-12-16 18:43:41

With the 648km Chengdu-Guiyang railway put in operation on Dec. 16, northeast Yunnan’s counties of Zhenxiong and Weixin were included into the national high-speed rail (HSR) network.

At 10:34 in the morning, the maiden No. C6042 train from Guiyang City entered the Zhenxiong Railway Station, picking up a group of passengers who are on their business trip to the neighboring Sichuan province.

With a design speed of 250 km per hour, the train service substantially cuts the travelling time for folks in northeast Yunnan to reach the provincial capitals in southwest China.

For example, the Zhengxiong-Kunming trip is now shortened to a matter of four hours, with the one-way ticket priced at around 300 yuan per person. 

For visitors outside, the Chengdu-Guiyang railway also provides a quick access to the amazing sceneries in Zhenxiong and Weixin. And here are some of the typical ones in the two counties. 

Major sights in Zhenxiong include the Chishui River source, the Wufeng Mountain near the county seat, the Jiming Sansheng grand canyon, the petty stone forest in Huanshan Township, the distinct tourist town in Mangbu, the nature-born sink holes in Wude Town, and the Yixing Gongdou stone pillar in Tangfang. 

The Chishui River source

The Wufeng Mountain 

The Jiming Sansheng grand canyon

The petty stone forest in Huanshan Township

The distinct tourist town in Mangbu

The nature-born sink holes in Wude

The Yixing Gongdou stone pillar in Tangfang. 


While the beautiful Weixin County features the Daxueshan primeval forest, the Lianhua/lotus mountain, and the Zhaxi Meeting Site, which is related to the red army’s Long March stories in the 1930s.

The Daxueshan primeval forest

The Lianhua/lotus mountain

The Zhaxi Meeting Site

Source: Yunnan Daily App; trans-editing by Wang Shixue