New Vision on China-Laos Tourism Exchange

By Gateway   |   Jul 17,2022   17:32:00

An English Online Talk under the theme of “New Vision on China-Laos Tourism Exchange” was organized by Yunnan International Communication Center for South and Southeast Asia on July 15.

During the talk show, the host Jerry Wang with Yunnan Gateway interviewed media professionals and travel enthusiasts in the two countries. They shared their traveling experiences in each other’s countries, recommended the best destinations and looked into the future traveling trends and business opportunities in the context of the China-Laos rail link.

The guests included Visith Teppalath, former journalist and travel writer of Vientlane Times; Philomlack Vilay, travel enthusiast from Laos; Xia Yan, photographer of Chinese National Geographics, and Albec Ning, travel advisor of China Highlights and Asia Highlights. Hundreds watched or joined in the show via Zoom.

Source: Yunnan Daily; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

New Vision on China-Laos Tourism Exchange