Beautiful Dali houses sound ecology, thriving industries

By Gateway   |   Aug 31,2022   18:02:01

The sound ecology and thriving industries in west Yunnan’s Dali Bai autonomous prefecture can be summed up like this: a flower, a water, a film, a wine and a fruit. So what are they?

Here are the details.

The flower refers to ottelia acuminata.

It only grows in clean water, so ottelia signals sound water quality. This year, the flower are blooming in Erhai Lake. This is a hard evidence of sound ecology in Dali.


The water is Dali drinking water.

Full of minerals, it tastes fine and the glass bottles are environment friendly.

“The drinking water of natural minerals comes from Dali's good ecology,” said Li Fan, chairman of Dali Mineral Water Company. Li hoped the water can be known to more in the world, together with the prefecture’s sound eco-environment.


The film is the named "A Palm of Snow", featuring Dali’s rosy clouds and lucid waters. It recently gained popularity in the cyberspace, winning hearty praises from many for the pure and plain rural scenes.


The wine is the Dali whisky rooted in green production.

Mark Edwards, managing director of Diageo China, said he’s impressed by local concern for environment. Diageo and Dali see green growth as their shared pursuit.


The fruit is the carefully-selected cherry tomato that fits Dali well in temperature, humidity and sunshine.

“Having visited Dali personally, I began growing cherry tomatoes here, adopting the farming methods that save water, energy and fertilizer, while cutting carbon emission,” said Lai Ganfeng, general manager of Dali Chunmuyuan Agricultural Technology. Lai added they innovated a variety of products.

The unique ecology in Dali is attracting international businesses for shared prosperity.


From August 28 to 29, the 2022 Erhai Forum on Global Ecological Civilization Construction was held in Dali.

Guests from all over the world gathered in the prefecture to discuss Chinese wisdom and plans on ecological conservation.


“We need to be confident, uniting as one for cooperation and giving full play to our creativity,” said Li Yonghong, deputy director general of Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center in Beijing, adding global environmental governance is facing multiple challenges.


Zhang Yipeng, vice president of Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group, noted biodiversity is critical to our future, showing his willingness to cooperate with Dali for more possibilities.


Duran, senior vice president of iFLYTEK, hoped folks to pay more attention to new technologies that are playing a new role in ecological civilization.

Guests attending the forum all look forward to building a community for all life on earth as well as a clean and beautiful world.


The sound eco-environment is a universal concern for all human beings, so it also deserves hard work by media outlets.


Wang Tingyao, Party member and deputy chief editor of Yunnan Daily Press Group, noted the group’s international communication outlets would focus more on Chinese solutions and wisdom in global environmental governance.

Ecological civilization is a historical trend, and a beautiful world is the shared dream of mankind. This was echoed by more international guests at the Erhai Forum.


“The desire to cooperate in ecological and environmental protection has grown among the SCO member states,” said Sohail Khan, deputy secretary-general of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.


Ekkaphab Phanthavong, deputy secretary general of ASEAN, expressed the association’s willingness to cooperate with China in ecology and environment.


Thai Ambassador to China Arthayudh Srisamoot mentioned Thailand will strengthen cooperation with China for environmental protection and sustainable development.

Reporting by Chu Donghua, Liu Ziyu, Qin Menglin and Li Zha (Yunnan Daily); Translating by: Wang Shixue and Guo Yao; Photos by Xia Chuanwu and Wang Xialei; Editing by Wang Yunya

Beautiful Dali houses sound ecology, thriving industries