Pan and Kim impressed by efficiency near railway

By Gateway   |   Sep 07,2022   08:32:01

Thai international communicator Dr. Pan and her Laotian colleague Kim visited the Mohan land port near the China-Laos border in south Yunnan’s Xishuangbanna the other day. There, they were fascinated by a busy freight yard near China-Laos Railway.

When Pan and Kim learned that in the Chinese language, the syllable “mo” in “Mohan” could mean procrastination, they said the realities mismatched the name. “Mohan is not mo at all.”

Across from the Mohan border gate and also near the China-Laos border, the Laotian Boten special economic zone is seeing thriving business thanks to the opening of the China-Laos railway.

Knowing that Boten is called “Moding” by their Chinese friends, Pan and Kim laughed. “Both border gates are named mo, but they presented us efficiency.”

Source: Yunnan Daily; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Pan and Kim impressed by efficiency near railway