Railway anniversary: Train staff dedicated to their duties

By Gateway   |   Dec 09,2022   17:05:17

Editor’s note:
The Lancang-Mekong River nourishes the neighboring countries China and Laos, while the China-Laos Railway carries on the same dream of connectivity fromthe cloud province of Yunnanto the moon city ofVientiane.

December 3, 2022 marked the first anniversary of the opening of the China-Laos Railway. On this occasion, we interviewed representatives of five walks of life in the two countries, namely factory presidents, village heads, customs officers, school principals and train conductors. And they shared with us views on the development of the railway.

Every safe trip on the China-Laos railway trains should be attributed to the hardwork of train drivers and conductors. Skilled and professional, they formed a unique sight on the train.

In the video, He Jianbo, a conductor at the China Railway Kunming Group and Somxai Laoliu, a train driver atthe Laos-China Railway Company were interviewed. These two young menhave made the trains runningsafe and sound on the railway.

Produced by Yunnan International Communication Center for South and Southeast Asia (YICC); Trans-editing by Mo Yingyi

Railway anniversary: Train staff dedicated to their duties