Unity of sepakatkraw athletes seen in their holding hands

By Gateway   |   Oct 03,2023   15:27:40

At the sepaktakraw court of Asian Games, the outstanding skills of the athletes often elicited cheers from the audience. However, a particular detail caught the attention of the reporters after each thrilling round.

Regardless of whether they scored or not, the athletes on both sides would spontaneously form a circle at the sides of the court, holding hands and shouting encouragement to one another.

In fact, in sports with rounds, team members often gather and motivate each other, such as in volleyball matches. But it's not common to witness scenes like those in sepaktacraw games, where teammates join hands and cheer together after every single round.

Sepaktakraw, originating from Southeast Asia, is a sport with distinct Asian characteristics. It involves a yellow, hollow, circular ball made of woven rattan, which is skillfully maneuvered back and forth across the field, creating a highly entertaining spectacle.

Since the 1990 Asian Games in Beijing, this sport has been included as an official competition. Interestingly, the pliable vines used also reflect a distinct Asian quality. The secret to their strength lies in the tightly woven and intertwined structure, which seems to resonate with essence of the sport.

Sepaktacraw demands a high level of teamwork and coordination among team members, as golden chances often arise in the blink of an eye. That is also why athletes holding hands with their teammates has become another unique sight on the court.

Through the tight grip of their hands, the athletes strengthen their teamwork, shining a brighter light on the spirit of collaboration.

Source: Xinhua; trans-editing by Wang Yunya

Unity of sepakatkraw athletes seen in their holding hands