Cultural exchanges key to innovation of civilization

By Gateway   |   Jun 21,2023   17:43:32

The International Youth Dialogue on Inheritance and Innovation of Civilization Diversity was held in south Yunnan’s Mengzi city on June 17, inviting in over 100 diplomats and youth representatives from Italy, Thailand, Laos and other countries. Here are some views.

The International Youth Dialogue on Inheritance and Innovation of Civilization Diversity. Photo/Yunnan Daily

Strengthening international cultural exchanges are key to the inheritance and innovation of civilization. We should jointly construct a global network of dialogue and cooperation among civilizations and promote the development and progress of human civilization.
— Lu Cairong, deputy director of China International Communications Group

We sincerely hope that international youth could be "ambassadors among civilizations", and by looking into beautiful Yunnan, you guys could let the world know more about China and the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by the country.
— Lai Yong, full-time deputy director of the Information Office of Yunnan Province


The international participants visit a Hani viliage in south Yunnan. Photo/Yunnan Daily

We need to improve our cultural influence in harmonious coexistence with nature, using the Hani terraces and other cultural elements for rural revitalization and urban development.

— Yao Shujie, former dean of the School of Contemporary China Studies at Nottingham University

How to inherit and innovate the Hani terraces? I think it necessary to transform the rice fields from its original "forest-village-field-water” system to the modern "market-technology-community-policy" model.
— Xu Jianchu, chief scientist at World Agroforestry Center


The international participants visit a Hani viliage in south Yunnan. Photo/Yunnan Daily

It is precisely because of the cultural differences that world civilizations can be so diverse and colorful. Yunnan is the province with the most ethnic groups in China, and I look forward to a deeper understanding to Yunnan ethnic cultures.

— Yoshida, a Japanese expert at Minzu University of China

Reporting by Guo Yao (Yunnan Daily); Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Cultural exchanges key to innovation of civilization