2023 Mekong Forum | Julian Clarke: Yunnan will contribute to sub-region's well-beings

By Yunnan Daily   |   Aug 02,2023   09:47:30

Recently, specialists from a number of countries came to Kunming, Yunnan's provincial capital, to attend the 2023 Mekong Forum. They shared views on the future of Greater Mekong Sub-region cooperation, as well as the role that Yunnan has ever played in this mechanism.

Julian Clarke, a program specialist from the Mekong Institute, stresses that Yunnan has long been at the forefront of China's engagement of Greater Mekong Sub-region cooperation. Its technical advancement in infrastructure and strong voice in policy discussions will contribute to the economic and social well-beings of the entire sub-region.

Planning by Han Chengyuan and Liu Ziyu; reporting and translating by Wang Jingzhong; video by Li Wenjun(Yunnan Daily) 

2023 Mekong Forum | Julian Clarke: Yunnan will contribute to sub-region's well-beings