2023 Mekong Forum | Sirisak Laochankham: Education cooperation facilitates sub-regional development

By Yunnan Daily   |   Aug 04,2023   14:44:38

Recently, specialists from a number of countries came to Kunming, Yunnan's provincial capital, to attend the 2023 Mekong Forum. They shared views on the future of Greater Mekong Sub-region cooperation, as well as the role that Yunnan has ever played in this mechanism.

Sirisak Laochankham is the associate dean for administrative affairs from Thailand's Khon Kaen University. In his view, the Belt and Road Initiative and China-Laos Railway have opened up new possibilities for the sub-regional education exchanges. "I believe that as the education cooperation between Thailand and China carries on, more knowledge will be created to facilitate sub-regional integration and development."

Planning by Han Chengyuan and Liu Ziyu; reporting and translating by Wang Jingzhong; video by Li Wenjun(Yunnan Daily) 

2023 Mekong Forum | Sirisak Laochankham: Education cooperation facilitates sub-regional development