Researcher Zhao Shulan: Platform to play key role in China-Myanmar trade

By Gateway   |   Jan 11,2023   11:27:09

The China-Myanmar Trade Information Platform will perform a pivotal role in China-Myanmar trade cooperation, said Zhao Shulan, a researcher at and deputy director of the Center for International Academic Exchanges of Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences.

Zhao said this at a China-Myanmar media forum marking the 30th anniversary of the publication of Mingalar Magazine on December 29, when the China-Myanmar trading platform was launched.

Noting it will become a multilingual platform for negotiation and cooperation among China, Myanmar and other countries, Zhao added the platform will provide information about the supply and demand of products and the understanding of policies.

Producing by Yunnan International Communication Center for South and Southeast Asia (YICC); Trans-editing by Wang Yunya

Researcher Zhao Shulan: Platform to play key role in China-Myanmar trade