Youth from LMC have new discovery in Lijiang

By Gateway   |   Mar 08,2023   18:38:00

The 2023 Lancang-Mekong Youth Challenge recently went on in northwest Yunnan’s Lijiang. Lancang-mekong youth representatives from China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam experienced the unique cultures and customs in a variety of activities. They learned to make Dongba handmade paper, write Dongba characters, knit embroidery, tried on ethnic costumes, and felt the charm of Lijiang traditional cultures.

Youth representatives are learning how to make Dongba paper from the master He Xiuchang (Photo/ Guoyao)

The local people and the youth representatives are dancing together (Photo/Bi Yiqian)

The enthusiastic Naxi people invited the young people to dance with them. People from different countries and ethnic groups sang songs and danced hand in hand, interpreting the Lancang-Mekong friendship of "one river, one family".

Youth representatives are writing good wishes on the wind chimes (Photo/Wang Yunya)

The girl from Myanmar tries on the Miao costume (Photo/Wang Yunya)

Reported by Chen Chen, Guo Yao and Bi Yiqian (Yunnan Daily); Video made by Li Wenjun; Trans-editing by Mo Yingyi

Youth from LMC have new discovery in Lijiang