Bualay Phanouvong: Int'l trains to bring more tourists to Laos

By Gateway   |   May 11,2023   16:02:23

The video is made by Mekong News Network.

Bualay Phanouvong, director of the General Office of the Lao Ministry of Information & Culture and Tourism, said that operation of the international direct passenger trains on the China-Laos Railway would invite in more tourists to Laos from its neighboring countries.

Bualay said this on the occasion of the recent launch of the Kunming-Vientiane train service for international passengers. "And after visiting Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng and Oudomxay, the tourists may go to Yunnan province and even other places of China. Now, international enterprises have already invested in Lao tourism."


A screen clip form the video above 

Bualay added that since the opening of the Laos-China Railway in December 2021, there has been an unexpected travel craze to north Laos, and the train ticket were often sold out ahead of time. “Laotians have shown an increasing interest in traveling to China, and the convenient Laos-China railway also attracted Chinese companies to Laos for business operations.

“At present, the General Office of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism of Laos is negotiating with Yunnan tourist companies on film and television cooperation, media training centers, exchange programs for tour guides, cultural performances and other projects.” Bualay hoped the friendly exchanges would enhance people-to-people bonds between Laos and China.


A screen clip form the video above

Source: Yunnan Daily and Mekong News Network; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Bualay Phanouvong: Int'l trains to bring more tourists to Laos