Special Yunnan lifestyle: Provincial music is impressive

By Gateway   |   May 12,2023   14:39:56

Angelo Castagneto is an Ecuadorian musician, who has been in China since 2009. Well-known for the song named “Spring Knows All”, Angelo Castagneto composed it to pay tribute to frontline workers during the recent Covid battle in Shenzhen, south China’s Guangong province.

Angelo Castagneto teaches students in Guomeng Primary School

In March this year, he was invited to coach the students in Cangyuan Wa autonomous county, southwest Yunnan’s Lincang city, under the Green Pine Care Foundation’s musical project, Chanson de Montagne. The project aims to carry forward China’s traditional multi-ethnic orchestral and vocal culture. These kids, the inheritors of their musical traditions, will be invited to perform in the concert in Shenzhen city this year.

Wa girls perform hair-swaying dance

When he first arrived in Cangyuan, he came to Guomen Primary School, where the pupils and teachers warmly welcomed and showed him around the art teaching building. The walls displayed children's paintings and the songs came from the classrooms.

What impressed him most was that the children performed the local Wa hair-swaying dance, which reminded him of his home country Ecuador, where there was similar ethnic dance. Soon, Cangyuan made him feel at home.

Angelo takes a photo with the local musician Cha Hongming

In class, he introduced Ecuador to the students, and then taught them Spanish and Latin dance. The students were very happy. They were inspired by this lively and cheerful foreign teacher, and quickly blended in the class.

In the evening, teachers visited Cha Hongming, a legendary music inheritor in Lincang. Cha introduced the history of Wa people and sang the most primitive songs to the guests. He set up a local art troupe and trained a number of talents, making great contributions to the protection and inheritance of Wa culture.

Angelo learns to play trunk drum

Great minds think alike. Angelo said the local traditional culture is also facing extinction in Ecuador due to the modern civilization. The language and culture of the indigenous people have disappeared in a short time. Having known about Cha, Angelo believed that music is borderless, and traditional music needs to be passed down by young generations regardless of its origin.

Angelo travels in Cangyuan

During recent special trip to Cangyuan, Angelo had a great time experiencing the unique culture of Wa ethnic group. He thinks that every ethnic culture has its own uniqueness, but the purpose of music is the same, which is to express people’s love for life.

When talking about his impression on Yunnan’s music, Angelo said: “Our body is a musical instrument. We have an empty core and can use air to create sounds and sing. Our heart beats in a specific rhythm which each emotion and we can influence others with the sound of our words. Yunnan’s music make its people zealous for life.”

Teachers from Shenzhen and local Wa dancers in Cangyuan

Trans-editing by Mo Yingyi; Photos and video provided by Angelo Castagneto

Special Yunnan lifestyle: Provincial music is impressive